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Scientific Film Festival 2015 still ongoing

09.11.2015, 13:11 - 13.11.2015, 13:11


The National Centre for the Popularisation of Science and Technology in Society, a department of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information

Join the competition and make a short film with theme - The trip around the world - the light around us!

The competition is open to individuals or collective of artists who have a desire to present their view of the world of science and technology through their own short films. They can compete with animated film, documentary films or with other kinds of films that will last more than three minutes.

The categories of the competition are divided by age - up to 12 years old, 13-17 years old and 18 years old. Interested people can register their artworks through an electronic application on our web site www.fvf.cvtisr.sk / Section Competitions / and then they can send their artworks at address of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information SR, until 11st October 2015.

During the Scientific Film Festival - FVF 2015 will be realized the competitive exhibition of all registrated works, including the winning works, also an announcement of winners and awarding of prizes; and all this during a nationwide Week of Science and Technology in Slovakia 2015 in November. The candidates  can find the detailed terms and conditions of competition for filmmakers at www.fvf.cvtisr.sk.

Press release

Contact for Media - Department for Communication at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of SR:

Monika Hucáková, mobile: 0915 835 841; monika.hucakova@minedu.sk

Contact for Media - Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information:

Monika Vozárová, mobile: 0917 733 507; monika.vozarova@cvtisr.sk

Click on the picture for full resolution


Event Venue:

Invitation card:

Applications and information:

Basic data

PopVaT – Promotion of science and technology in Slovakia

Slovak Centre for Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava
Lamačská cesta 8/A
811 04 Bratislava

Research and Development

European Regional Development Fund

14 949 307,96 EUR

April 2013 – October 2015

ITMS Codes: