
Calendar of events


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8 9
Events for day 9.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 10.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 11.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 12.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 13.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 14.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 15.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 16.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 17.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 18.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 19.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 20.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 21.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Events for day 22.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 23.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 24.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 25.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 26.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 27.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 28.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 29.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52

Events for day 30.6.2015
The best reportage on Slovak science wins

09.6.2015, 13:16 - 11.10.2015, 13:16

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 13:05 - 11.9.2015, 13:05

Panel exhibition of Jozef Murgaš - Wireless World

22.6.2015, 10:52 - 11.9.2015, 10:52


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The Light is the main topic of Science and technology week 2015

The main topic of this year became light, but also introduce you to the work of renowned Czech chemist and inventor of contact lenses, Otto Wichterle. Throughout the week, the public will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the latest achievements of science, technology and innovation. The aim is primarily to popularize science and technology, information to the public about recent results, but also to encourage young people to study scientific and technical disciplines.

Opening ceremony of the Week of Science and Technology will be held on 9 November 2015 at 9.00 am. built on the premises of the Centre of Science SCSTI Bojnicka 3 in Bratislava.


Events organized by the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information

During Science and Technology Week 2015 across the country will be held hundreds of events aimed at popularization of science and technology. Selection of events in different regions can be found in the annex to this press release.

Complete and continuously updated list of events conducted during the week of science and technology, places and times as the procedure can be found on the website www.tyzdenvedy.sk section Events TVT.

Basic data

PopVaT – Promotion of science and technology in Slovakia

Slovak Centre for Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava
Lamačská cesta 8/A
811 04 Bratislava

Research and Development

European Regional Development Fund

14 949 307,96 EUR

April 2013 – October 2015

ITMS Codes: